14 Mart 2025, Cuma

ING Emeklilik supports better living of its customers with its new health insurance product

shippingING Emeklilik, for the purpose of supporting its customers to live a better life, offered its new product of health insurance. Product Development Manager of ING Emeklilik, Aslı Tiryakioğlu, telling that health insurance completes the private pension, said, “We, as ING Emeklilik, want that when things go well, private pension continues; but when things go wrong, health insurance steps in.”

Tiryakioğlu, saying that the customers are largely concerned about the increase of the premiums, indicated the desire of ING Emeklilik to prevent this through their new health insurance product. Tiryakioğlu said, “The customers are worried whether the insurance company will quintuple the premiums in a case of getting old or sick. The customers also have concerns about the payments and they don’t know how much they are going to pay for the next period of their policy. For these reasons, as having always the mission to be transparent and to lead of ING Emeklilik, we desire to prevent these concerns of our customers. We reassure that to our customers.”

“Health insurance completes the private pension insurance”

Tiryakioğlu, as saying that they are providing consulting service to the customers for the first year of their policy in the context of “Hoşgeldin Paketi” (Welcome Package), said, “This service is totally free. Our customers can take the advantage of an excellent support to get any information about sport, fitness; law, technology, entertainment and healthy nutrition from our assistance firm which gives 24/7 available call center service.”


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