16 Şubat 2025, Pazar

CompuGroup Medical, sensitive to data privacy

cgm_thmGeneral Manager of CompuGroup Medical (CGM), Fatma Zakaryan, said, “As CompuGroup, we have plenty of data of the companies that we are working with and we manage these data very sensitively.” CGM is a health information company that provides advanced solutions and services to health payer institutions. Zakaryan said, “Our software products are used mainly by the hospitals and the family physicians. In this regard, CGM operates for the purpose of supporting the health payer systems under various service titles and by the health software that we produce such as private health insurances, healthcare funds and the bank pension foundations.”

“The consumers are now more conscious and sensitive”
CGM Vice General Manager, Gülsultan Doğan, also added that all the processes like provision and compensation management are performed under the control of CGM. Doğan said, “There are very few companies that we are not working with. The consumers are now more conscious and sensitive. Therefore, we want to know exactly what we are exposed to and in which way or what is recommended for us when we go to a hospital. Because, we, maybe, are going to see these data when we go to another doctor or a hospital. And so, these solutions will be very useful for the policy holders in case of accessing their health data on their own.”

“Developing software that has medical artificial intelligence”
Highlighting the importance of the velocity at the payment operations, Zakaryan said, “We actually seek and analyze the coherence between the policies and the services. When you go to a hospital, a data has already formed but while that data is transferred to another, there becomes a lack of data. This situation of course causes some errors. And we are taking these data where and when they were formed. Thus, we can give reliable information to the policy holder with a perfect feedback.” SİGORTALI


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