14 Mart 2025, Cuma

Emergency Health Insurance specific to Turk Telekom subscribers

saglik‘Health Support Campaign’, set with the collaboration of Acıbadem Mobile Health Services and Türk Telekom, provides health support specific to the subscribers and their families of Türk Telekom who make a commitment of a year period for 12.90 TL monthly payment. The clients of Türk Telekom who benefit from the campaign cover themselves and their families for a year, also get a sphygmomanometer and a health insurance with a coverage of 7.500 TL. The subscribers of Türk Telekom and 3 family members can benefit from ‘Medical Coaching Service’ formed of experienced doctors who answer all the questions about health conditions for 7 days 24 hours. In case of emergency, the subscribers can also profit by full ambulance service for a year through just a phone call.


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