14 Mart 2025, Cuma

General Manager of Eureko Sigorta, Okan Utkueri, resigns

okanutkueriGeneral Manager of Eureko Sigorta, Okan Utkueri, decided to resign as of the date of 1 March 2014. As playing a key role in Eureko Sigorta for more than 7 years, working devotedly to reach the company to the leader position in the field of bancassurance, Okan Utkueri, believes that it is the time of a new expansion. Utkueri said, “It was a great pleasure for me to manage one of the most successful insurance companies of Turkey. Although i am proud of the success that was achieved, i believe that it is the right time for me and also for Eureko Sigorta.”

Utkueri will stay in his current position up to 1 March 2014 and he will take charge in Eureko Sigorta Executive Committee as a consultant.


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