14 Mart 2025, Cuma

Aviabel has its sights on Turkish insurance market

aviabelThe Belgian Aviation Insurance company, Aviabel, is interested in Turkish insurance market which makes a great progress on aviation sector in recent years. CEO of Aviabel Insurance, Cecile Coune, said, “After I’ve become CEO of Aviabel, our interest to Turkish insurance market became clear. Before we broke into Turkish market we were covering aviation risks through brokers in London. But, in the last 1.5 years, we started to write covers through the local intermediaries. We don’t have any office yet but we consider Turkey as an attractive target market.”

Coune, mentioning that they are writing reassurance as a leader company in Turkish market, said, “After our meetings and consultations with the Turkish insurance authorities and the important insurance companies and brokers which accept risks in the aviation sector, we predict that our products and services can enrich the Turkish aviation sector by creating added value.”

Turkey has a very strategic importance for us

Stating that Aviabel is the leader firm of the English jet market, Coune said, “As Aviabel, we also aim to be the leader company in the Turkish small jets market, too. Here is a very strategic market for us. To launch an office in Turkey as Aviabel has a very significant meaning for us because of its geographical position. On the other hand, we, as Aviabel, provide services in all the fields of the aviation. Expect the big companies like THY, we are offering services to aircrafts, helicopter, hot air balloons and regional and municipal airports. At the same time, we are writing covers in balloon insurance.”

Our target area of interest is the business jets

Pointing that their main target is the business jets, Coune, said, “We have reached to a 20 percent share of the business jets market. In Turkey, there are 80 business jets and this number is increasing. Aviation sector has grown three times more compare to Turkish economy but it is not enough of course. That’s why, there is a great potential in the aviation sector in Turkey and we, as Aviabel, apply for this opportunity.”


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