16 Şubat 2025, Pazar

Road transportation liability insurance cover rises to 268 thousand TL

taksi1In the context of road transportation liability insurance that is applied for the taxis, buses, automobiles and minibuses, minimum health expense insurance cover that was 125 thousand TL will rise to 268 thousand TL in the next year. Within the tariff and the directive that has been published in the official gazette, Secretariat of Treasury declared the new amounts of insurance covers. The new prices are; for the automobiles and taxis, 2 mn 144 thousand TL and for the minibuses, 1 mn 750 thousand TL. In the death and mutilation cases, the amounts of the minimum insurance covers will be equal to health expense covers. These tariffs and directives will be valid from the 1st of January 2014. www.haberler.com


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