20 Ocak 2025, Pazartesi

Solmaz Altın: “We put forward our hat to win”

solmaz altınSaying he has visited his confreres before the presidential election of TSB, CEO of Allianz Sigorta Solmaz Altın pointed that most important problems are growth and profitability for insurance industry.

Insurance industry is waiting for an exciting week. New president of Insurance Association of Turkey (TSB) will be determined at Ordinary General Assembly with the Election on April 11, 2014. Executive Committee of Non-Life, Life and Pension Management Committee, Disciplinary Committee and the Audit Committee members will have chosen besides Union’s president at the General Assembly.

CEO of Allianz Sigorta Solmaz Altın is one of the two names which is candidate for TSB presidency. Solmaz Altın answer the SIGORTAMEDIA’s question before the election. Saying “We put forward our hat to win” Solmaz Altın pointed that he will focus on positive communication primarily if he is elected. Furthermore Altın said that he will going to work for improving conditions of insurance industry and he have goals to explain benefits of insurance to both public authorities and the society. In addition to his speech Altın emphasized that he supports to TBS as autonomous institution and if he is elected he will give particular importance the authonomy. He also pointed that he does not expect a third candidate for forthcoming elections.


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