15 Mart 2025, Cumartesi

Kohen: 80 percent of the agencies can not make their living by insurance

davidkohenDoyen of the insurance sector, David Kohen, was the guest of Can Kantar on the tv show, “Hayatımız Sigortalı”, speaking to the agencies, he said, “The key criterias to compete in the insurance sector are the capabilities of information technologies and foreign languages.”Insurance is the protection of the risk
Kohen, the first person who provides theft and family insurance in Turkey, said, “The essence of the insurance business is always the same. It is only the diversification of the sector itself. Insurance is the protection of the risk, and today, all kind of risk can be insured.” Kohen also complains about the capacity of the Turkish insurance sector. To him, it is unacceptable to be at the 42th place worldwide in the insurance sector as a country which is the 17th biggest economy of the world, and he gave the main reason for that: lack of confidence.

80 percent of the insurance agencies can’t make their living by insurance
Mentioning that despite the agencies in Turkey edging towards the motor insurances for the purpose of making money, the amount of the income per policy is still very low. Kohen also gave some advises to the insurance agencies; he said, “The agencies have to learn at least a foreign language. It is very important for the insurance literature. In addition, they have to be integrated to the internet and the information technologies. They shouldn’t be afraid of rivalry.”


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