14 Mart 2025, Cuma

Generali Sigorta increased its net profit by 40 percent in nine months period

generaliCEO of Generali Group, Mario Greco, announced the company’s ‘change strategy’ and its goals in 2015. Generali Sigorta, passing the most efficient nine months period of last 5 years, has increased its net profit by 40 percent to 1.6 bn Euro as operating in 60 different countries. The most determinant sector of the net profit has been the non-life branches. Plus, the operating profit of the Generali Group increased to 3.4 bn Euro with a percentage of 6.2. Greco said, “We are happy to achieve our goals in a period that the low interest rates limited the incomes despite the amelioration sigs in the global economy and the progressive reliance of our customers to Generali Group.” Greco also explained their strategy of 2015. “Increasing the rate of return on equity to a level of 13 and the ‘Solvency I’ rate to 160 percent are the main goals of Generali Group, Greco said.

Lastly, General Manager of Generali Sigorta Türkiye, Mine Ayhan, said, “The growth target of Generali, Sigorta is powerful than ever in the history of a 150 years’ time in Turkey. We, as Generali Sigorta, will continue to work to achieve our goals in our operations.”


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