22 Ocak 2025, Çarşamba

Vakıf Emeklilik has established the first Mobil Şube

vakifemeklilikVakıf Emeklilik has established the first ‘Mobile Branch’ (Mobil Şube) in the pension sector which allows the customers to execute the transactions as changing the fund distribution and seeing the extract of account without any limitation of location over the platforms of IOS, Android and Windows Phone 8. At the ‘Mobile Branch’, the customers can reach to the informations about Private Pension System (BES) and also take the latest news and the products of Vakıf Emeklilik. Besides, the clients can easily connect to the customer services over the feature.

“Everybody can take the advantage of ‘Mobile Branch’ service”

The General Manager of Vakıf Emeklilik, Mehmet Bostan, said, “As Vakıf Emeklilik, we became the first company which invests to mobile technologies in the sector. The Mobile Branch has arranges for 3 platforms and the clients can reach these platforms over App Store, Google Play and Windows Phone Application stores.”


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