22 Ocak 2025, Çarşamba

TrafiKasko attracts great attention

trafikaskoAssistant General Manager of Liberty Sigorta, Defne Türkeş, stated that Liberty Sigorta’s latest TrafiKasko product that gathers automobile and traffic insurance in one policy attracted great attention along with their new advertising campaign.

Türkeş mentioned that it was a great opportunity for Liberty Sigorta to promote their latest product TrafiKasko through their ad campaign since November. Türkeş said, “As Liberty Sigorta, we have approached to our goal that is to increase the insurance awareness in the direction of taking precautions for the good of public.”‘Our campaign made a hit with the customers’

As stating that they are providing various advantages including payment and proceedings to the policyholders, Türkeş said, “Liberty Sigorta is investing to brand recognition. Liberty is a well-known brand in all the countries that it operates and it will be the same in Turkey, too. We are observing that the interest of the customers to our new product, TrafiKasko is increasing each passing day.” ŞEMSİYE


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