7 Mart 2025, Cuma

The winners of the Cardif Values Program has been announced

cardifsigortaThe prizes within the purpose of the development of the collaboration and the culture of the appreciation culture between the departments have gone to the winners in the party at the end of the first month of the program. The program has designed with the intention of creating a collective synergy in the categories of “Belief and Determination”, “Being Proactive”, “Innovativeness and Creativity”, “Passion of Success” which are the main 4 values of BNP Paribas Cardif. Cardif Values Program, remarkable as a very important treatment of the Human Resources strategy, the employees are sharing and showing their support by giving “Thank you Cards.” The Assistant Manager, Ebru Taşçı Firuzbay, Responsible of the Human Resources and Corporate Communication, said, “As BNP Paribas Cardif, we see our employees as the very valuable part of our company and we cherish the employee satisfaction. Cardif Values Program is a sign of our employee based understanding. We believe that team work is the key word for success.”


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