22 Ocak 2025, Çarşamba

Risk inspection from Türk Loydu Foundation

tsbThe issue of uninsurable risk that is lately in the agenda of the insurance sector is clarified by the Insurance Association of Turkey (Türkiye Sigorta Birliği). After the meetings about the complaints of the plastics and the chemical industry, it is decided that Türk Loydu Foundation (Türk Loydu Vakfı) will be responsible for risk inspection in the insurance sector. According to the statement of the Insurance Association of Turkey, it is said that, “In accordance with the report of Türk Loydu Foundation, we believe that the risks that are reported can be valued more efficiently and as a result of that, our members can easily evaluate the said report by their own risk engineers. Thus, by this method, the companies that operate under a certain standard can be evaluated by an independent organization and the unfair critiques to the insurance sector can be prevented by this way.”


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