22 Ocak 2025, Çarşamba

Real estate is our main rival but the interest to the individual pension system is increasing

AvivaSA Emeklilik ve Hayat CEO'su Meral Eredenk 1CEO of AvivaSA Emeklilik ve Hayat, Meral Eredenk, according to the new projections, highlighted, “By the positive impact of the transfers from the foundations and common purses, in 2023, total net asset value of fund will be able to reach to 350-400 bn TL.” BES, starting in 2003 and celebrating its 10h anniversary this year has reached to a total net asset value of fund of 24.6 bn TL and to 3.9 mn participants. The current situation is very promising but on the other hand, there are still some kind of obstacles in front of the BES. In the meeting organized by Aviva SA Emeklilik ve Hayat called “Research of the saving habits of the customers 2013 (Tüketicilerin Tasarruf Tutumları Araştırması)”, Eredenk gave some significant information about the future of BES.

Dominant perception: “Nothing happens to us”

To the information that Eredenk has given, the research show that the main reason that the customers don’t invest to the personal pension savings is the depts. The Turkish people, in that context, don’t feel comfortable and keep saying that ‘nothing happen to us’.

Another interesting outcome is that the Turkish people who are investing to the personal pension expect a full guaranteed income and the highest yield at the same time. Eredenk said, “The Turkish investors must recognize that that is just a dream.”

Lastly, according to the statistics, the most reliable reference guide is still acquaintance with 67 percent. Financial consultants, the insurers, the bankers and the accountants take the second place with 22 percent.


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