12 Şubat 2025, Çarşamba

Latest auto insurance from Liberty Sigorta: TrafiKasko

libertysigortaLiberty Sigorta, operating in the direction of the mission of “Helping people to live safe and secure”, has added a new advertisement to its ad campaigns. The new advertisement of Liberty Sigorta, featuring the idea of decreasing the physical and moral damages to the minimum level by the auto insurances, has started out with the motto of “Latest auto insurance: TrafiKasko” in November. Emphasizing the importance of carrying insurance, TrafiKasko comes as a reflection of the innovative and creative insurance solutions of Liberty Sigorta.

“Full assurance, one policy”

The General Manager of Liberty Sigorta, Ragıp Yergin, said, “We believe to create the basic elements of the future by offering our new product. In this context, through our new advertisement, we aim to inform the consumers and also invite them to be insured.” Yergin also added, “As offering safety to our customers we, at the same time, intend to ease their lives. With our new product of TrafiKasko, we are offering full assurance in one policy with a price advantage.”


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