14 Mart 2025, Cuma

Insurance sales are now avaliable in the shopping malls by Sigorta Cini

08102013cCustomers , from now on, can buy insurance products from the ‘Sigorta Cini’ stores at the shopping malls. The customers can reach many pruducts of many insurance companies easily and can receive consultancy service about the products and the companies from Metrocity and Marmara Forum in Istanbul and Kent Park in Ankara.  Sigorta Cini stores serve to respond to all the insurance needs of the customers from one point. Sigorta Cini is the brand of Orange Sigorta Aracılık Hizmetleri (Orange Insurance Intermediary Services) which is the new investment of ING Group. Sigorta Cini that has established in Turkey has the paid-in capital of over 5m TL.

The General Manager of Sigorta Cini, Pieter Bas Vos, has given details in the pres conference in Metrocity Istanbul. Bas Vos described their starting point that each family needs insurance. “By this enterprise, our mission is to increase the insurance consciousness and make insurance a part of daily life; that’s why, our target group is the families with child.”

Sigorta Cini has signed an agreement with seven companies including Aksigorta, AXA Sigorta, ERGO Sigorta, Groupama Sigorta, HDI Sigorta, Mapfre Genel Sigorta and ING Emeklilik.


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