21 Ocak 2025, Salı

Ererdi: We manage 6.5 million insured persons

cemalererdiAxa Sigorta organized “The Agents Meeting 2013” under the title of “Winning Agents Model” (Kazanan Acenteler Modeli). Giving a speech at the meeting, CEO of Axa Holding, Cemal Ererdi, said, “By year end, we have reached the condition of a company managing 6.5 million insured persons and we have had a unique and a huge company structure by having a portfolio of over 4 million customers even compared to the Europe standards.” We have been on the first rank for 5 years

Considering how the companies succeeded in terms of marketing, communication and selling strategies in the market, Axa has always been at the first place, mentioning Ererdi, said, “According to the research of Capital, Axa has taken the first place for the fifth time in the last 5 years by mainly the general managers of big companies. On the other hand, as Axa Sigorta, we are always the best concerning the innovation and creativity among all the sector representatives in Turkey.”

“The best company in the employee satisfaction”

Ererdi said, “Axa also gives a high priority to the employee satisfaction and we are registered in that. A German company, has done a research under the title of “Great Place To Work” between the industrial companies, the banks, finance companies which has an amount of over 500 employees and Axa, again, has taken the first place in that research. That prize has a big importance for us, because the happiness of our employees makes our business going better and creates a family environment.”

The first in the insurance sector: Agent manifest

Ererdi, about Axa agents, said, “Axa is a market company. We work with we take action by our agents considering the market situation.” Ererdi also highlighted that the agents which treats as a mechanism that only quotes will not be able to get succeed and addressed its agents, “We have a agent portfolio of 86 percent. In this direction, we are going to put our agent manifest into our web site and all our agents will act upon this manifest.”


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