18 Mart 2025, Salı

Deniz Yurtseven, President of Pension Monitoring Center for the new one year period

denizyurtsevenDeniz Yurtseven, General Manager of MetLife Emeklilik ve Hayat, was selected as the new President of Pension Monitoring Center (EGM) on 22th October 2013. Acting as the General Manager of Pension Monitoring Center for one year period, Yurtseven said, “The private pension sector, gaining a significant acceleration with the new regulations in 2013, will continue its steady growth.”
Yurtseven, experienced in finance and insurance sector
Acting as the Vice President of Pension Monitoring Center for the following year, Deniz Yurtseven began his career at Pamukbank Menkul Değerler as a specialist. He changed his path to insurance market in 2000, and worked as a Corporate Sales Manager at Axa Oyak Sigorta. He, then, has participated to ‘DenizEmeklilik ve Hayat’ family and become General Manager and Member of the Board of MetLife Emeklilik ve Hayat.


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