16 Şubat 2025, Pazar

Bostan: We take the part of satisfied customer

mehmet bostanTelling that they are aiming the 2.5 billion TL total net asset value of funds at the end of this year President of Vakıf Emeklilik Mehmet Bostan said, “ Our aim is stand to against customer’s regret on private pension.”
Stating that when look at the new datas of BES participants since new year, it has seen that 2014 will be a bright year for the BES Bostan said “We believe in that demands to BES will increasingly continue in 2014. Considering the budget of public contribution we estimate that at the end of 2014 system will reach more than 5 million participant with 35 billion TRY total net asset value of fund.” Pointing that their target as Vakıf Emeklilik Bostan said, “As Vakıf Emeklilik we are planning to transport our total net asset value of funds  2.5 billion TRY with over 50 percent contribution. Our goal is accomplish this with 100 thousands new BES participant. When Performing this goal our first and biggest supporter will be our business partner and shareholder Vakıf-Bank.”


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