16 Mart 2025, Pazar

Big interest to Axa Sigorta s Sağlığım Tamam product

cemalererdiAxa Sigorta extends its contracted enterprise network to make its supplementary health insurance product “Sağlığım Tamam” more beneficial by its customers. The leader insurance company of Turkey, Axa Sigorta, aims to reach the people who are not able to benefit the health services from the private hospitals because of the high prices. One of the very least numbers of supplementary health insurance, ‘Sağlığım Tamam’ differs from the other products by its widespread contracted enterprise network and product features.

Unlimited and a hundred percent assurance

All the Turkish citizens who are not over 55 can benefit from Axa Sigorta’s ‘Sağlığım Tamam’ insurance product which provides the price gap arisen from inpatient and ambulatory treatment in the private hospitals.


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