22 Ocak 2025, Çarşamba

Allianz Hayat ve Emeklilik will double its business volume with HSBC

volkerstuvenThe General Manager of Allianz Hayat ve Emeklilik, Dr. Volker Stüven, “Our business volume will double with the distribution channel of HSBC” he said. Guest of the october cover of insurance magazine, Sigortalı, was Dr. Volker Stüven, The General Manager of ‘Allianz Hayat ve Emeklilik’. He highlighted the importance of the exclusivity agreement which contains the life and the pension insurance products. Two companies, HSBC and Allianz have been associated before in the distribution of life, health and credit insurance products and wealth management services in some of the Asian countries such as China, Malaysia, Australia and Taiwan. Allianz, at the same time, associates with HSBC, in the management of the pension funds. Stüven said, “This agreement with HSBC in Turkey is a unique opportunity for Allianz to invest and to grow in Turkey’s insurance market. At the present time, to sell the products of life and pension insurance, bancassurance is an exceptional way and HSBC will be an additional distribution channel for Allianz. I am totally optimist for the future.”


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