15 Ocak 2025, Çarşamba

AIG Sigorta and HSBC Türkiye prefer SFS Bank Insurance product

AIGlogoAIG Sigorta and HSBC Türkiye that have signed strategic cooperation agreement prefer SFS solutions. The technological infrastructure of the agreement has been prepared by the leading software company of the sector, SFS in a 4 month-period time. Thus, the project has been completed with the cooperation of AIG Sigorta, HSBC Türkiye and SFS in a very short time. Ufuk Yıldız, Director of Operations of AIG Sigorta, as mentioning that the main insurance operations get easier, Responsible of Research and Software, Assistant General Manager of AIG Sigorta, Hakan Gülseven, said, “It became possible to underwrite policies automatically for the bankers who are not experts in insurance through the Winsure Bank Insurance product. SİGORTALI


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