18 Ocak 2025, Cumartesi

Two new services for disabled persons from BNP Paribas Cardif Türkiye

bnpemekBNP Paribas Cardif Türkiye launches two new projects that enhance the service quality for disabled people. BNP Paribas Cardif Türkiye operating with the vision of securing the persons and their values aims to provide equal services and find solutions with the projects that are on the purpose of helping to the disabled people when they have any communication problems in their insurance activities. Disabled customers can access to any information without any obstacle

Firstly, BNP Paribas Cardif Türkiye launches the private pension and life insurance policies prepared by Braille in cooperation with ‘Association of Blinds in Turkey’ on the purpose of providing easiness to read their policies for the visually impaired people. Thus, the citizens can read and sign their contracts without any help.

On the other hand, BNP Paribas Cardif Türkiye has joined the campaign called ‘Eliminating the Barriers in Communication’ of Türk Telekom. Hereby, the disabled customers who desire to participate get any information or to transmit any request or any claim can send a text message through the number of BNP Paribas Cardif Türkiye Customer Contact Center, 444 43 23.

“We are going to continue to improve ourselves in support of our disabled customers”

General Manager of BNP Paribas Cardif Türkiye, Cemal Kişmir, said, “We believe that easing the lives of our disabled citizens is not only the job of the state but also the private sector. Within the context of our ‘The Insurer for a Changing World’ perception, to provide all our services to all our customers equally is most important priority for us and we are going to continue to improve ourselves in support of our disabled customers.”


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