21 Ocak 2025, Salı

Supplementary Health Insurance will become widespread in 2014

mapfre_kAs launching with the cooperation of Mapfre Genel Sigorta and Medikal Park Hospitals Group a year ago in Turkey, the interest to the supplementary health insurance increases. The number of the private hospitals and the health care organizations has reached over 250. It is expected that the general interest to the supplementary health insurance will rise in 2014 because of the “Regulation of Private Health Insurance” which was lately published by the Undersecretariat of Treasury including Supplementary and Complementary Health Insurances.  Supplementary and complementary health insurances also cost effective

Within the Supplementary Health Insurance, the insurance companies cover the expenses of the differential charges that the policyholders have to pay to the private hospitals or other health care organizations.

The system has similarities with the foreign practices

Assistant Secretary General of Insurance Association of Turkey, Atilla Oksay, highlighted that in the foreign practices, it is observed that supplementary and complementary health insurance support the public health systems not only in recognition of finance but cover the expenses that are not compensate by social security system.


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