19 Mart 2025, Çarşamba

New-wave economies offer opportunities for insurers

SedaHaciogluAccording to the EY’s report, entitled “Wave of Variation: A Change for Insurers in Fast-Growing Markets,” China will continue to be the main focus for premium global volume. Furthermore, countries like Mexico, Thailand, Indonesia, and Colombia will present significant long-term opportunities.

The report was prepared by international auditing and consulting firm EY. The data reveals the potential opportunities and risks in 21 fast-growing countries for insurance industry. According to analysis of the report, the most well-balanced countries in growth potential and risk for insurers are China, Mexico, and Thailand.

Turkey continues to carry the risk on insurance

Department of Audit Services Partner of Turkey EY Seda Hacıoğlu assessed the Turkey’s current state in insurance market. Hacıoğlu said “Inspite of having a high opportunity level, Turkey still continues to carry high significant risks.

Hacıoğlu also stated that due to the dependence on external capital posibility of economic decline could not be ignored.


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