7 Mart 2025, Cuma

Anadolu Sigorta gives a Far East travel to 3 lucky customers

musaulkenBThe leader in customer satisfaction in the sector, Anadolu Sigorta, starts a campaign for its clients. 3 lucky couples who has valid home, motor or health insurance policy has the right to leave on vacation to Bangkok, Singapore or Phuket with a partner they wish.

“Working devotedly for our clients”
The General Manager of Anadolu Sigorta, Musa Ülken, as Anadolu Sigorta, has underlined the special relation between them and their clients while speaking about the “3 Poliçe 3 Şehir” campaign. Ülken said, “Anadolu Sigorta is the leader according to the results of Turkey Measure of Quality and Satisfaction in 2012. The more important thing is that we are repeating this success in the last three years. We always restore and reshape all our products and services to the demand and the needs of our clients who put us in a special place. We, too, working hard to with sacrifice for them. Our new campaign is the result of this special relation with us and with our precious clients.”


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