15 Ocak 2025, Çarşamba

1 million TRY coverage liability insurance from Evrim Sigorta: EVR(IMM)

evrimsigorta.logoOne of the innovative and leading company in fright insurance Evrim Sigortacılık Hizmetleri has released its insurance product which it is including third party bodily and real injury liability.

Creating that in line with requirements of customers and as a first in insurance industry with its coverage, the policy provide collateral for per vehicle. Moreover the policy applies to in countries where there is no Green Card Insurance.

International transporters are faced with of some unforeseen risks while they carry out their business. Especially, continued underway vehicles have risky as winnings. Company owners can be involved in an accidents which they can cause to financially damage of their vehicles, third party property damage. These accidents can cause to third party bodily injury and fatal injury as well. Moreover compulsory traffic insurance and Green Card Insurance may not be enough for these accidents. In such circumstances, voluntary public liability insurance can be a lifesaver. Evrim Sigorta A.Ş. offers a consumer friendly and affordable policy: EVR(IMM)

Voluntary public liability insurance is being your safeguard when your car insurance policy and green card insurance policy is exceed the limits. EVR(IMM) policy provide 1 million TRY assurance to international transport companies for per vehicles. This policy can be purchased by overseas transport companies with 230 TRY net premium. Taking account of companies incremental insurance costs the policy has attracted great attention.

1 million TRY coverage

Evrim Sigortacılık Hizmetleri leads the way in industry with its new policy. The most important feature of the policy is its coverage limits. Limits of the recent insurance products are not exceed to over 500 thousand TRY or they can reach 1 million TRY with graduated limits. However Evrim Sigortacılık A.Ş. provides annually 1 million TRY for per vehicles and per accidents with EVR(IMM) policy. Moreover Evrim Sigortacılık A.Ş. offers 200 thousand TRY spiritual damages opportunity.

Collateral in abroad as well

One of the biggest features of policy is valid in abroad. In other words the policy provides assurance to insurers in case of excess green card insurance’s limit. Public Liability Insurance of Evrim Sigorta is arrangeable with flexible conditions.

All agencies who wish are able to sell the policy

Recognizable with its insurance policy for transport industry Evrim Sigortacılık Hizmetleri gives green light to gain favor on this policy to insurance industry.

Policy will be a safeguard for transport and logistic sectors

Stating that on the increase policies importance Board chairman of Evrim Sigortacılık Hizmetleri İsmail Hakkı Çelebi says “Optional liability insurance is not a compulsory in our country, but companies who have high vehicle capacity is making point of the policy day by day. The major reason of the importance is bad experiences. As Evrim Sigortacılık A.Ş. , starting from this point of view we wanted to provide assurance both inside and outside to our customers. EVR(IMM) is a completely necessity, an reborn policy.”


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